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to whitewash中文是什么意思

用"to whitewash"造句"to whitewash"怎么读"to whitewash" in a sentence


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  • Many attempts have been made to whitewash the man's reputation, but the fact remains that he is a rogue .
  • What he said was just to whitewash his actions
  • To whitewash his embarrassment , he said hello to them
  • We have ~ d a building firm to whitewash our office block
  • Well , i don t see why i oughtn t to like it . does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day ?
    哎,我真搞不懂为什么我要不喜欢干,哪个男孩子能天天有机会刷墙? ”
  • Such an interpretation of the past historical events seems to whitewash japan ' s dubious world war ii legacy , such as yasukuni shrine
  • Japanese education board decided to have several state run schools use disputed textbook which try to whitewash japan ' s wartime aggression
  • A japanese education board decided to have several state run schools use disputed textbook which try to whitewash japan ' s wartime aggression
  • She say she spec mars tom gwine to ax me to whitewash , an so she tole me go long an tend to my own business - she lowed she d tend to de whitewashin .
    她说她猜到汤姆少爷你会让我刷墙,所以她吩咐我只管干自己的活,莫管他人闲事她说她要亲自来看看你刷墙。 ”
  • In recent years , a number of significant financial scandals both at home and abroad have aroused attention to whitewashing of the financial reports of listed companies
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"to whitewash"造句  
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